Western Kentucky Civil War Collection
Sam House Letter, February 3, 1862
Sam House
Civil War -- U.S., 1861-1865
Letter from Sam House to his sister dated February 3, 1862, from Columbus, Kentucky.
Columbus Kentucky Monday Feby 3d 1861 (1862?) Dear Nell Your letter of 19th Jany just received. Strange to say may have taken a voyage to Columbus This (?) some other Yankee (prank ?). Uncle Frank’s note is short and to the point as usual. Who should have thought that old (Duncan ?) would have married a new widow. I thought he was looking out for young wife but I expect the “(?)” was a great inducement – I thought Mrs (?) revered the memory of her Dear Husband so much that she never would again into the bonds of “Padlock” – but so goes the world – great (would ?) this and “heaps of peoples” – I am so glad to hear sister is so much better period tell her to take good care of herself and (?) (?) and get well. This is (unfavorable ?) Weather for a throat affliction! The weather at this place is beautiful we have not seen the sun in I don’t know how long! Ground has been covered with snow for several days and sleet – Rain in froze on top of that last night was the most unpleasant I ever passed! (?) Cold – the ground a sheet of Ice! (raining ?) all the time and freezing as fast as it fell. I was on guard – stood 4 hours. T tell you I came (near ?) “going up” (?) I thought several times old Massa Lincoln had better stop his foolishness and let us all go home it is my opinion that Rump Government has about played out and will go up the spout in the spring – I don’t (admire ?) the place (Johnny ?) has he won’t like it. I know it is a confining life and don’t pay period besides he has no (rank ?) really. I was offered the same place in “Old Granny Polks” establishment – but I asked them to “scuse” me if they pleased. I came out to “soger” not to clerk. I could stay at home & do that. Gen Beauregard is expected here any day. I suppose he will chang matters and things generally when he arrives – it is the best move that the Confederacy has made – this is the place to show his Genius. When the fight does come off at this place it will be no childs play. I (met ?) (Willis ?) thank God the information it together with )?) (?) thank God the information it contained I knew was wrong! Send me the first letter you (?) from Johnny after the (?) – the river is full of floating ice. The Yanks must be having a good time up at Cairo. They like it so well I don’t think. They will leave there soon. A Flag of truce came down yesterday but I did not hear what the object was. Love & Kisses to all. I wrote Mother a few days ago. (all ?) write soon & (?) (?) (?) (?). Your Affect Brother Sam House
McCracken County Public Library
February 3, 1862
Still image
Columbus (KY)
Belmont (KY)
Permission for reuse must be obtained from the McCracken County Public Library, Local and Family History Department

Sam House Letter, February 3, 1862