John Joseph Pershing; General U. S. Army; Born Linn County, Missouri, September 30, 1860. Married France H., daughter of Senator Warren, Wyoming, January 26, 1905. Graduated U. S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1886. Received degree LL. B., University of Nebraska, 1893. Served Apache campaign, New Mexico and Arizona, 1886. Served Sioux campaign, Dakota, 1890-1891. Served with 10th Cavalry, Santiago (Cuba) campaign, 1898. Served in Philippine Islands campaign, Nov. 1899 - June, 1903. Was with Kuroki's Japanese Army, Machuria, 1905. Served on the General Staff, U. S. A., 1903-1906. Commander Department Mindanao, P. I., and Governor of Moro Province , defeating hostile Moros, battle of Bagsag, June 12, 1913. Commanded U. S. troops sent to Mexico in pursuit of Villa, 1916. Appointed General in command U. S. troops in France, 1917.
John Joseph Pershing; General U. S. Army; Born Linn County, Missouri, September 30, 1860. Married France H., daughter of Senator Warren, Wyoming, January 26, 1905. Graduated U. S. Military Academy, West Point, Class of 1886. Received degree LL. B., University of Nebraska, 1893. Served Apache campaign, New Mexico and Arizona, 1886. Served Sioux campaign, Dakota, 1890-1891. Served with 10th Cavalry, Santiago (Cuba) campaign, 1898. Served in Philippine Islands campaign, Nov. 1899 - June, 1903. Was with Kuroki's Japanese Army, Machuria, 1905. Served on the General Staff, U. S. A., 1903-1906. Commander Department Mindanao, P. I., and Governor of Moro Province , defeating hostile Moros, battle of Bagsag, June 12, 1913. Commanded U. S. troops sent to Mexico in pursuit of Villa, 1916. Appointed General in command U. S. troops in France, 1917.