Postcard marked with Mrs. Roy W. McKinney, Recording Secretary General U. D. C, Drawer 490, Paducah, KY. Addressed to Miss L. Goldie M. Smith. Inscription reads: Paducah, KY 12-27-12. My Dear Miss Smith, many thanks for your correction. I have filled your order for [illegible] the [illegible] to go forward Feb 1st. With the Season's Greetings, Cordially, Mary M. [Illegible} McKinney
Postcard marked with Mrs. Roy W. McKinney, Recording Secretary General U. D. C, Drawer 490, Paducah, KY. Addressed to Miss L. Goldie M. Smith. Inscription reads: Paducah, KY 12-27-12. My Dear Miss Smith, many thanks for your correction. I have filled your order for [illegible] the [illegible] to go forward Feb 1st. With the Season's Greetings, Cordially, Mary M. [Illegible} McKinney